What Wife Gets after Divorce in Canada?

What Wife Gets after Divorce in Canada?

In Canada, divorce is a complex process, especially when determining the financial settlement between spouses. You will expect proper spousal support and property division if you are a wife. Now, you may be wondering how to expect financial support.

Do not worry. You have come to the right place.

This guide will provide an overview of what a wife can get after a divorce in Canada. You can know about spousal support and the division of property equally among the spouses.

What is Spousal Support?

According to court laws, a husband has to give the wife financial support for self-sufficiency after the separation. It also helps the wife to share the costs of their children. Sometimes the wife may experience financial difficulty due to the relationship breakdown. Here comes the spousal support system in Canada.

The Divorce Act in Canada sets out the rules and guidelines for spousal support.

How Can a Wife Be Eligible for Spousal Support?

Not all spouses are eligible for spousal support. Generally, alimony is granted to those spouses who require financial support.

These are:

  • If the married couples lived together for at least 3 years.
  • A spouse who gave up their career includes caring for kids or assisting their spouse with their profession.
  • After separation, the wife needs financial support, while the husband has a higher income.
  • A legal agreement is already signed between the spouses for getting spousal support if they are separated.

How is Property Divided Between Spouses in Canada?

Property division is the legal process of dividing property and assets between spouses. It includes real property, bank accounts, pensions, investments, vehicles, and personal property.

Generally, the assets are divided equally between the spouses from the date of marriage to the end of the date of separation. Property division divorce lawyers act as neutral third parties to ensure a fair trial.

Moreover, each spouse has a right to possess the house. Typically, one spouse buys the house from the other spouse’s share. In most cases, when the spouse cannot agree on what to do with the house, they just live there until it is sold.

How is Spousal Support Calculated?

The calculation of alimony is a complex process. To determine the amount, you need to consider many factors. Most Canadian courts use Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines to calculate the appropriate amounts.

As it is difficult to calculate the amount, it is important to consult a family law professional to do the process. Moreover, the law professional helps you to determine the support payments for your income tax return.

Read more, How Long Does Divorce Take In Alberta Canada?

How are Assets Equalized between Spouses in a Divorce?

We already know that the property is being split between the spouses. But how are the properties equalized in a divorce?

Here’s how:

  • First, determine the net family property for each person.
  • Add the market value of your properties from the date of separation
  • Subtract the debts and the value of assets from the date of separation
  • Subtract the value of any inheritance, gifts, or personal property from the date of separation
  • To equalize your assets, if one spouse has a larger net worth than the other, the spouse with the higher net worth must pay the other spouse the difference in half.

What Assets Does a Wife Get After Divorce?

The spouses should calculate the assets owned properly before the date of separation. You and your spouse need a lawyer to assist you in equalizing the property.

Below are the lists of the assets a wife gets during a divorce.

  • If you acquired assets during your marriage, they must be valued during the divorce process unless kept separate.
  • Value of the house property.
  • Liabilities for both the spouses, such as debts (separate and joint), should be assessed during the divorce proceedings.
  • Pensions should be considered from the date of marriage to the date of separation.
  • Registered retirement savings plans (RRSP), retirement funds, and investments must be divided equally between spouses.

The fair market value of the assets is the amount you would get if you sold the item on the open market. Your assets are not “shared” or “divided.” Both you and your spouse retain ownership of your possessions. 

Simply take into account each asset’s worth as of the separation date. You can subtract the value of any assets you owned on the day of your marriage from the equalization calculation.

How to File a Separation Agreement?

Try to pay the support payments to your spouse directly. Family Responsibility Office (FRO) will collect and distribute the payments after you sign and register for support payments. 

The FRO determines that the support payments are paid regularly. They also manage and take action to enforce support orders if the payments are not paid on time.


In Canada, a wife is entitled to financial support while divorcing. Moreover, a wife can get spousal support and financial support for their children. 

When a divorce proceeding occurs, it is important to seek the advice of a qualified lawyer to ensure a fair outcome. With the right legal support, you and your spouse should agree on dividing the assets for a fair settlement.


What happens if I divorce my wife in Canada?

You have 31 days to file an appeal if you grant a divorce. Once this period has passed, the divorce is final and cannot be changed. The terms of your divorce, however, are never final. 

Do I get half of everything in Divorce Canada?

The law says that all the family properties and debt must be divided equally between you and your spouse after separation. If you and your spouse make a different agreement, then all the properties and debts must be divided according to the agreement both of you agreed on.

Do I have to support my wife after the divorce?

When a divorce happens, the court may grant temporary spousal support to the spouse. It is because the spouse does not have a job or cannot support themselves. Here, the court sets a legal obligation so that the spouse with a higher income can support the spouse who needs it.

How much alimony does a wife get in Canada?

For each year of marriage, the spousal support ranges from 1.5 to 2 percent of the difference between the spouses’ gross income. Moreover, this amount can lead up to a maximum of 50 percent.

Does the wife have to pay alimony in Canada?

As a matter of separation agreement, both partners can negotiate alimony. You can always consult with a judge to determine the amount of alimony and duration of the payments.

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